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Resources: For Clients and Colleagues

The resources listed below are intended for individuals and families in California who would like to seek additional community supports, including links to the North Los Angeles County Regional Center where our clinic is vendored, and LAUSD, the school district we support. If you are a professional looking for downloadable resources, please click the button below to be redirected to the shop, where all digital downloads and other professional resources can be accessed.

Medbridge CEUs

SLPs, PTs, OTs, and other professionals:

Get $150 dollars off a Medbridge CEU Subscription using my code "hola", tap the image below to automatically get the deal!


Tap the image to be redirected to the website in a new window.

American Speech Language Hearing Association
ASHA logo.png
North Los Angeles County Regional Center
nlacrc logo.jpg
Los Angeles Unified School District - Division of Special Education
SPED Logo.png

California Department of Developmental Services

To contact CA DDS regarding consumer appeals, call: (916) 654-1987 (or click the linked image).

DDS Logo.png
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